j-aircraft donate

Dear J-Aircraft users, viewers and friends:

In March 1998, J-Aircraft was founded by Dave Pluth inspired by his father, World War II U. S. Army veteran Albert Pluth who served in the South West Pacific Area (SWPA). He created J-Aircraft as a non-profit website and message board with a mission to promote research and information sharing to benefit anyone interested in Japanese aircraft and warships. In January 2004, James F. Lansdale became the owner, administrator and primary financial support for J-Aircraft. For fourteen years, Jim moderated the message boards and contributed research articles until his passing in 2018. His loss was acutely felt by the J-Aircraft community worldwide.

Please Help Support J-Aircraft
On December 13, 2020, the executive committee, which has inherited the running of J-Aircraft following Jim Lansdaleā€™s passing, voted to have Pacific Wrecks host and maintain J-Aircraft, and to accept donations from anyone who may wish to help defray the costs of maintaining the website. Pacific Wrecks Incorporated is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization with a mission similar to that of J-Aircraft to share information on this topic and all donations are tax deductible. If you find value in J-Aircraft and have used the site over the past 24 years, please consider making a donation.

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J-Aircraft donations fine print: 100% of any donations will go to maintaining J-Aircraft. (minus any external online payment or credit card processing fees for online donations). Donations made before December 31, 2023 will qualify as charitable donations for the 2023 calendar year.

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