J-aircraft.com is dedicated in the loving memory of my Father,
Albert Pluth.
My dad spent
four years in the Pacific and eventually ended up being staged for the
invasion of Japan. He served as a lineman in the Signal Corps (440th Heavy
Construction Battalion) and saw the war from a unique perspective. He
traveled through the mud and the jungles in New Guinea and the Philippines
and way to many islands to make note of here, but he never complained
and just did his job. The job of his outfit was to get an island ready
for the Air Force to come in and use as bases. This mainly meant for them
stringing communication lines and power, jobs that were important, but
there wasn't much glory in.
The photos he brought back from the war got me interested in aviation
and Japanese aviation specifically. Although he rarely talked about his
experiences they did help to shape his life.
He was (he passed away more than 10 years ago) and always will be my
hero and someone who inspires me to be just a bit better today than yesterday.
Dave Pluth
Owner - J-aircraft.com |