Nagoya A6M3
Rod Larson

Nagoya Airport Museum, Nagoya, Japan April 2000

Visited the Nagoya Airport Museum. There are 2 aircraft on exhibit, an A6M3 Zero and a MU-2 Business Turboprop. Again, I used 800 ASA film pushed to ASA 1600 and a 28-70 mm zoom lens. The room has some very bright light coming from the observation deck just behind the Zero that you have to avoid. Also, there are excellent aircraft models in the next room. These models cover all of the IJNAF and IJAAF aircraft AND are all of the exact same scale- 1:25. This Zero has the best airframe that I have ever seen in a museum. There are only a few bullet holes in the cowling courtesy of the US Navy. However, the engine is quite corroded.


Nagoya-Zero-AileronHinge-1.jpg (10445 bytes) Nagoya-Zero-Cockpit-1.jpg (28426 bytes) Nagoya-Zero-Cockpit-2.jpg (23313 bytes)

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Nagoya-Zero-LeftTail-1.jpg (26449 bytes) Nagoya-Zero-LeftSide-1.jpg (30804 bytes) Nagoya-Zero-PitotTube-1.jpg (13163 bytes)

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Nagoya-Zero-RightFront-2.jpg (29559 bytes)  Nagoya-Zero-ShellSlot-1.jpg (23179 bytes)Nagoya-Zero-RightWing-1.jpg (19556 bytes)

Nagoya-Zero-RightGear-1.jpg (28687 bytes)  Nagoya-Zero-RightFront-4.jpg (28407 bytes) Nagoya-Zero-RightFront-3.jpg (25167 bytes)

Click to Enlarge

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