Dave's Cool & Useful Links
Japanese Aircraft/Modeling Links
X-Planes of the Japanese Army/Navy - 1946. Hikoki, which roughly means airplane, and the year 1946 combine to present to you what might have been had the Japanese air-arm and industry had another year with which to develop and deploy their experimental aircraft. While much has been done on the German experimental weapons and the speculative "what ifs"concerning their, in some cases, actual deployment to combat units, but more of their potential had more time been allotted to the Germans...there is a vacuum when it comes to looking at what the Japanese were developing.
Asahi Journal Online supplement - Scott Hoffman's supplement to the regular Asahi Journal. A great source for in-depth information.
Japanese Radios and Equipment Ok, so it doesn't sound like that big a deal, but it is! This is a terrific website to checkout what all the various cockpit details really look like Well worth the look!
Zero Fighter World - Have you hugged your Zero today? Go here and you'll have that chance. Great site on a great aircraft.
Other Aircraft/Modeling Links
Modeling Madness - The best of the best in modeling sites. Tons of reviews and lots and lots of good stuff. One of my personal favorites!
Dan Ford's "Nothing New About Death" Page - Lots of stuff about the Flying Tigers and other topics.
Tony Matteliano's Index of Scale Modeling Sites - Links, links and more links! Over a thousand modeling links all in one place.
Hyperscale - A really neat webzine site. Reviews and lots of information.
Vendor Links
Hannants : Home Page - For those in England (and everywhere else for that matter) this is the place to pick up those odd-ball kits. Nice search function on their page as well.
Roll Models - Formerly Battle Hobbies, now carrying a wide array of products and items.
Great Models Webstore - A very nice website. Easy search engine.
Rainbow Ten - New new "hot" internet model store in Japan. I've heard many stories of great service and pretty good prices.
Manufacturer Links
Hasegawa Homepage - It's all in Japanese, but you can see the box art and such.
Tamiya Homepage - See the latest and greatest from these guys!
Club Links
IPMS USA HomePage - Home Page for the National IPMS Club. Lots of links and IPMS club information.
IPMS Canada Homepage - Great alternative to IPMS USA. Hey, these guys are actually interested in modeling!!
Would you like your page included? Drop me a note at info@j-aircraft.com.