My first attempt at a Japanese aircraft. Built straight from the box with the exception of lead foil seatbelts, CMK nav lights. Shot with Gunze over SnJ. Hope you like the photo!
By Robert Ferrero (11 May 01)
B5N2 "Kate" by Hilton de Mello e
1/48th Nichimo B5N2 Kate by Jeff McGuire
1/48 Nichimo AII-312 12/7/41 by Mike Gawell
1/48 Nichimo B5N2 Kate by Tom Norrbohm
Nichimo 1/48 Kate. Pierpaolo
Maglio. (3/1/00)
- AI-301 1/48 Nichimo B5N2 Kate in early
1942 Akagi markings, Lead Aircraft, 1st chutai, Comdr. Mitsuo
Fuchida, Unit Commander’s aircraft by Jim Eyerdom
- AII-316 1/48 Nichimo B5N2 Kate in Pearl
Harbor Kaga markings, Lead aircraft, 3rd chutai, horizontal
bombers, Lt. Yoshitaka Mikami, pilot (Aeromaster decals) by Jim Eyerdom
- BI-315 1/48 Nichimo B5N2 Kate, in late
- Soryu markings by Jim Eyerdom
- BII-310 1/48 Nichimo B5N2 Kate in Pearl
Harbor Hiryu markings, 1st chutai, 46th shotai, #1
aircraft, horizontal bombers, PO2c Bunsuke Uesugi, pilot by Jim Eyerdom
BII-320 1/48 Nichimo B5N2 Kate, in Pearl Harbor
Hiryu markings Lead aircraft, 1st chutai, 41st shotai
torpedo bombers, Lt. Heita Matsumura, pilot by Jim Eyerdom
- CI-301 1/48 Nichimo B5N Kate (converted to
B5N1) in Feb. 1942 Zuiho markings by Jim Eyerdom
- DI-364 1/48 Nichimo B5N Kate (modified to
B5N with a kitbashed D & B cowl) In June 1942 Ryujo markings in the
Aleutians by Jim Eyerdom
- EI-307 1/48 Hiryu Kate, in Pearl Harbor
Shokaku markings, horizontal bombing unit by Jim Eyerdom
- EII-307 1/48 Nichimo B5N1 Kate, in Pearl
Harbor Zuikaku markings, 3rd chutai, 53rd shotai,
# 1 aircraft, horizontal bombers, PO1c Tadayoshi Kawada, pilot by Jim
Mervin Brewer's first Hasegawa Kate.
Mar 01)
Close-up of canopy By Merv Brewer (9
Mar 01)
Nitchino Kate w/ Hasagaga canopy (9
Mar 01)
Nichimo Kate W/ 250kg bombs (9
Mar 01)
Nichimo Kate By Merv Brewer (9
Mar 01)
Nichimo Kate By Merv Brewer (9
Mar 01)
Hasagawa Kate. This is the one I did start to
finish in 5 hours. By Merv Brewer (9
Mar 01)
Nitchimo Kate w/Hasagawa canopy. By Merv
Brewer (9
Mar 01)
250 kg racks on the Nichimo Kate. By Merv
Brewer (9
Mar 01)
Lt. Com. Murata. Torpedo group leader.
Nichimo kit. (Note: 3 Yellow stripes on the tail) By Merv Brewer
Mar 01)