Submit a question or get address to submit an article to.
With the problems of spam and the multitude of e-mail harvestors running through sites we have implemented a new method of asking questions regarding the website and submitting articles. Please fill out the form below with your question/comment/ or problem and we will get back to you as soon as possible. All other addresses that were formally listed will not longer work after 4/1/2004.

Only questions regarding the website will be answered through this form.

If you are requesting general information about Japanese aircraft, please put your question on one of our message boards. No general information requests will be answered that is submitted through this form! (This means questions about color, identifying aircraft etc). We are sorry about this but there just aren't enough hours in a day to handle all the requests adequately.

If you have an article, photo or piece of art that you'd like to submit please note that below and we'll send you a private address to submit the article to. Thanks!!!