Tainan Air Base
Tainan Air Base
Tainan Air Base
Posted By: Masuaki Endo <mailto:endo_ijn@hotmail.com?subject=Tainan Air Base>
Date: Wednesday, 26 September 2001, at 8:23 p.m.
I am involved in a project to recreate the Tainan Air Base as it appeared just prior to the outbreak of hostilities (circa 1940) and I'm looking for some info and/or resources. 1st of all...We are operating from the assumption that it was paved and was mainly 2 parallel runways laying South to North. Are both these facts correct?
I am hoping to find an aerial photo of the Tainan Base but to this point we've only found modern pictures. If anyone has a suggestion as to where to look I'd be most appreciative. Thanks to anyone who replys!
Shoi Masuaki Endo
Tainan Kokutai
Re: Tainan Air Base
Posted By: Larry <mailto:Hldeziv@aol.com?subject=Re: Tainan Air Base>
Date: Thursday, 27 September 2001, at 7:55 a.m.
In Response To: Tainan Air Base (Masuaki Endo)
There are many - perhaps hundreds - of aerial photos of Tainan AB in World War II records held in the Cartographic and Architectural Branch of the U.S. National Archives in Washington. Some of these date from 1942-43, but most of them would be from 1944 to the end of the war. These vary from high altitude shots to low-level obliques from different angles. From these you would be able to clearly identify each and every building, hangar, revetment, runway, apron, etc. These aerial maps can be found in the following record groups:
RG 18 - Records of the Army Air Forces, and
RG 373 - Records of the Defense Intelligence Agency (under decimal 373.4: "Also among the holdings are about 37,000 negative images of Japanese-flown aerial film (JX) covering parts of the Far East. These include images of areas in China (including Formosa)...". These aerial photo negatives date from 1939 to 1945). It's a good bet you will find some 1940 shots of Tainan AB in this collection.
You can address your inquiry to:
Cartographic and Architectural Branch,
National Archives and Records Administration
Washington, DC 20408
Hope this helps,
Re: Tainan Air Base
Posted By: Larry <mailto:Hldeziv@aol.com?subject=Re: Tainan Air Base>
Date: Saturday, 29 September 2001, at 7:39 a.m.
In Response To: Re: Tainan Air Base (Masuaki Endo)
It's always a sad task to have to occasionally inform the younger generation that not everything of value is to be found on the web! :-) * * ;-).
But seriously, no, these and similar images are not available on the web as far as I know.
Inquiries to the National Archives still need to be in the form of a written letter.