- Modeling Equipment
- Modeling Equipment?
- Posted By: Dave Pluth <info@j-aircraft.com>
- Date: Thursday, 29 October 1998, at 11:24 a.m.
- Hi all,
- Just curious as to what types of modeling equipment that
you use? Airbrush, compressor (or other air source) etc.
Also, what types of paint and filler does everyone use,
and of course, why?
- Dave
- Re: Modeling Equipment?
- Posted By: Brandon Wood <bwood@hoovers.com>
- Date: Thursday, 29 October 1998, at 2:24 p.m.
- In Response To: Modeling Equipment? (Dave Pluth)
- For painting, I have a Badger 150 double action. My air
source is an old propane tank(like the ones for bar-b-q
grills)that I have modified. It holds around 100psi and
with the regulator and moisture trap, provides me with a
nice quiet steady stream of air. I use Superjet as a
filler b/c it is quick and I have gotten used to working
with it.
- I still use Model Master enamels for painting, usually
mixing them to get the "color" I like. For a
natural metal finish, I prefer SNJ. The
"toughness" is superior to any other I have
- Re: Modeling Equipment?
- Posted By: Tom Matlosz <slayer14@gateway.net>
- Date: Thursday, 29 October 1998, at 5:12 p.m.
- In Response To: Modeling Equipment? (Dave Pluth)
- Dave,
- I use a Badger single action external mix airbrush with a
Craftsman compressor from Sears. I use Gap Filling Super
Glue for filling seam. After I get it where I want it, a
drop of accelerator latter, I'm sanding right now. I
tried filler putties but don't like them. The only
problem with the super glue technique is it's impossible
to scribe into it, for that I'd use one of the available
- Hope you liked the N1K2 and A6M photos I sent last week.
I haven't received any responses to my queries I posted
on the IJN aircraft bulletin board last week.
- Hope this helps you. My TBD-1 is coming along, although
I'm still scraping and scribing panel lines on the old
Monogram kit. On to the IJN aircraft next year...
- Tom Matlosz
- Re: Modeling Equipment?
- Posted By: Hiroyuki Takeuchi <hiryu@bigfoot.com>
- Date: Thursday, 29 October 1998, at 10:13 p.m.
- In Response To: Modeling Equipment? (Dave Pluth)
- I use a Tamiya double action airbrush with a Tamiya
compressor, which is probably only for the Japanese
domestic market.
- Tamiya cement (standard and thin-type), Tamiya putty
(normal, two-part poly-putty, and two-part epoxy), and
Humbrol ClearFix for gluing canopies and making small
windows. I tried using super glue as fillers but I find
them hard to sand don't use them very often.
- Gunze Mr. Color for basic painting because they dry fast,
hold on to plastic very well, and is not harmed by enamel
or water acrylic thinners. On this base, I use Tamiya
enamels for marking panel lines, wash, and general
weathering. This combination is probably the most popular
among Japanese modelers. Pastels are also used for
- One of the things I find very useful is 3M Parafilm for
masking, which is hard to find here so I mail order from
the US. I have heard about Future floor polish being very
useful, but I have not been able to find it, or similar
products here. If they are that good, I'm going to have
to ask my colleague who's going on a trip to New York
next week to get a bottle. (I know I'll get a very
strange look!)
- Re: Modeling Equipment?
- Posted By: Terry Garrard <tgarrard@juno.com>
- Date: Friday, 30 October 1998, at 2:53 p.m.
- In Response To: Modeling Equipment? (Dave Pluth)
- I use a Paasche VL double action that I almost threw away
until one day I finally learned how to use it. Now my old
Badger is rusting over in the corner. Almost exclusively
I use Floquil, which, much to my dismay, is being
eliminated by Testors. For the most part I think Floquil
is superior to ModelMaster in drying time, consistency,
and color accuracy. Perhaps nearest in quality to Floquil
is Humbrol, but I find their color numbering system
confusing and I really hate those tins. For gap filling I
prefer super glue. As a medium, it's not as fragile as
putty. I use Zap a Gap and haven't experienced any
difficulty scribing.
- Re: Modeling Equipment?
- Posted By: Mike Quan <MnkQuan@worldnet.att.net>
- Date: Friday, 30 October 1998, at 10:38 p.m.
- In Response To: Modeling Equipment? (Dave Pluth)
- Hi All! I am still using a Binks Wren single action
airbrush I bought second hand in 1970 because I am used
to it, I guess! Supplying air to it is an "Air
Force" silent compressor with one-liter tank and
adjustable regulator. It is nice and quiet and helps me
concentrate on the job at hand. I use many different
paints, but probably my current favorite is Aeromaster
enamels. I have tried their acrylics and cannot get them
to apply smoothly. I also like Floquil Railroad colors
and Humbrol. For filler, there has been nothing overall
(to me) that beats the 3M acrylic fillers made for
automotive spot puttying. There are various colors and
consistencies - the best is 'acryl-blue' IMHO. It sands
to a glass smooth surface yet featheredges on a par with
superglue. SG is hard to control on a model in my
experience, although the speed is unmatched.
- Re: Modeling Equipment?
- Posted By: Rob Graham <rgraham111@aol.com>
- Date: Sunday, 1 November 1998, at 10:50 p.m.
- In Response To: Modeling Equipment? (Dave Pluth)
- Hi all:
- I find it interesting to read everyone's comments.
- I use CA and accelerator (Great Planes is my first choice
so far) to fill gaps, files to smooth the CA, and
sandpaper and cloth and eventually just plain paper to
polish the plastic.
- I have a Badger air compressor, and a Binks Wren and a
Badger single action airbrush.
- I use the paint du jour, but have found I prefer acrylics
BY FAR when painting by brush. Enamels are best through
the airbrush and when dry brushing.
- I use Testors Metalizer from the spray cans, and have
found good soft Q-Tips work well for light metalizing.
- I use X-Acto knives, a Bare Metal Foil scribe, Testors
liquid cement, Bare Metal Foil, and a host of other
things for small details. I experiment with every model
(I'm not a pro...) and see what I can do. I like the new
Testors Acryl paints as much as the Gunze, Tamiya, and
other acrylics, and have had luck mixing all brands. I
have had palettes of dried acrylics I have
"revived" with liquid cement.
- These are some of my experiments... :^)
- --Rob
- Re: Modeling Equipment?
- Posted By: Bert Ohta <n1k2j@aol.com>
- Date: Tuesday, 3 November 1998, at 12:59 a.m.
- In Response To: Modeling Equipment? (Dave Pluth)
- Love my Iwata Eclipse air brush, Badger 180 air
compressor and flexible shaft Sears dremel tool
- Tools i cant do without: Waldron subminiature punch set
and regular punch set, Micromesh sand cloths (1500-12000
grit), tungsten tip scriber and a number of other tools.
- Re: Modeling Equipment?
- Posted By: Eric McCann <emccann@iag.net>
- Date: Friday, 20 November 1998, at 1:43 p.m.
- In Response To: Modeling Equipment? (Dave Pluth)
- Hmmm...
- Airbrush - Various Testors/Aztek brushes (single and
double action, from a "spray gun" to a regular
single action - rarely used now - to a double action,
which is a little sloppy but also not the top of the line
brush... going to have to try it out before paying $100
for it.)
- Paints - whatever line I can get my colors in. I don't
like mixing paints... but use MM enamels, and am playing
with (but am not fond of) their acryl line. I tend to
prefer acrylics, Gunze most of all, followed by Tamiya.
- Putty - Squadron White, followed by Dr. Microtools
(rarely used any more...)
- Glue - Testors. (Hey, it's easy to get, and does a decent
job. ) Both their squeeze bottle - seems thicker than
pure "liquid" but thinner than the tube stuff -
and their clear part cement, though I'm not fond of the
second. It just doesn't seem all that strong.
- Re: Modeling Equipment?
- Posted By: Steven Murray <murray01@hal-pc.org>
- Date: Sunday, 29 November 1998, at 2:44 p.m.
- In Response To: Modeling Equipment? (Dave Pluth)
- I use a Testors double-action airbrush. I used to attach
it to canned air cans, but after going through an entire
can for one modeling project, I opted for a Sears air
compressor typically used for tires/footballs etc.
- I use ModelMaster paints almost exclusively now. I used
to use Polly Scale paints (and I do still use their
weathering paints), but I could never get the right
mixture of paint/thinner to allow the paint to run
through the nozzles without clogging up.
- Steven
- Re: Modeling Equipment?
- Posted By: Bert Ohta <n1k2j@aol.com>
- Date: Sunday, 20 December 1998, at 12:09 a.m.
- In Response To: Re: Modeling Equipment? (Tom Matlosz)
- Tom,
- Just wanted to let you know superglue seams can be
scribed. Just dont use the scraper type scriber
(like the Squadron scriber). Try the needlepoint type
scriber to create panel lines. I have two types that I
use for
- different effects. One I bought from an arts supply
store, which is a simple hardened tip, mounted to a
simple wood pencil shaped handle. I like it because it's
light and easy to handle. Make sure the tip is a hardened
steel tip. This one I use to make shallow panel lines. I
use a tungsten carbide tipped scriber for deeper lines
(Micromark 1-800-225-1066 sells it).
- The trick is to use embossing label tape to guide the
scriber. Make a real light passes over the superglue +
plastic seam each time to get a uniform panel line
through both plastic and superglue surfaces. If you try
that with a scraper type scriber, it wont work
because the scriber will snag over the superglue surface
because its a harder plastic. This will cause an uneven
panel line thats thicker on the plastic surface and
thinner on the superglue part of the seam. Needle type
scribers work though, as long as the tip is HARD and the
passes you make are light are light. Oh, and sewing
needles dont work very well. Thought Id save
you the trouble.
- Hope this helps.
- I like to pass on techniques I learned by hours of trial
and error. I like the idea that someone else wont
have to reinvent the wheel.
- Happy modeling
- Bert Ohta
- New scribing, for me...
- Posted By: Rob Graham <rgraham111@aol.com>
- Date: Wednesday, 24 February 1999, at 7:56 p.m.
- Hi, all.
- I was at The War Room in Atlanta, and the guys there
recommended the Hasegawa Tritools scribing saws. The
panel lines I saw were PERFECT. They're hard to find, but
HLJ has them. They said to get the templates, too.
- --Rob
- http://www.hlj.com/cgi-bin/hljpage3.cgi?hsgtp-4
- Air Compressor Question
- Posted By: Steve Contella <contella@wt.net>
- Date: Tuesday, 8 August 2000, at 8:16 a.m.
- What type of water separators do you have on your
compressors? Do most of you have special airbrush
compressors or just regular shop type compressors?
- Thanks,
- Steve
- Posted By: Roachie <roachdas@dingoblue.net.au>
- Date: Wednesday, 9 August 2000, at 9:34 p.m.
- There are a number of considerations you need to look at
with regard to water traps. Firstly, I have a Holding
CP103 that has an airtank and auto cut off unit. Try and
obtain a good quality w/t with regulator, one where the
needle on the regulator remains steady and doesn't
oscillate...usually a way to tell a good one from a
not-so-good one. Check there is an IN/OUT stamping on the
water trap so that you connect it correctly to the
compressor. At this stage you may even consider putting
on a tee-piece so that you have two airbrushes able to be
connected - I use an Aztek for all my work and my trusty
old Badger 200 is now an air hose for blasting dust etc.
The Holding is a reliable and quiet running item and
importantly, there are spare parts available should
something go amiss after so many years of good service. I
use an SMC Water trap/Regulator - here in Oz. HTH
- Roachie
- Posted By: RICK SHANK
- Date: Friday, 11 August 2000, at 3:04 p.m.
- Steve, I've seen compressors with the water trap attached
right to the compressor, but as a rule most get pretty
hot after awhile and for most traps to be effective as
told to me by a friend who is a professional auto
painter, the trap needs to be hooked up at least 20 feet
from the compressor so the heated air can travel far
enough for any moisture to condense into droplets
allowing the trap to do what it was designed for. I use
this system on all of my compressors and I never have
water problems, which can ruin a good paint job and your
day to boot.
- Posted By: Roachie <roachdas@dingoblue.net.au>
- Date: Saturday, 12 August 2000, at 5:41 a.m.
- I have not experienced, nor heard of (until the previous
posting) water traps becoming hot and leading to a
build-up of condensation. A requirement to have (some)
20ft between compressor and water trap is a bit odd....
and impractical I would think. The Holding Compressor
which I have, and others used by mates of mine are what I
would call designed to operate with the water trap
attached close to, or onto the outlet valve of the
compressor. Water traps I am familiar with also have a
vent at the base to expel any moisture build-up.
Personally, I have never had a problem with corrupted air
- I believe the length of air hose and the quality of the
water trap are sufficient to alleviate/ minimize any
potential problem. I would certainly agree that the
length of hose from a water trap to the compressor outlet
would greatly reduce any moisture problem - even 'x'
number of feet of coiled hose - again there is the matter
of how your compressor is hooked up, the manner in which
the airbrush hose from the water trap leads to the spray
booth/ workbench - for instance I have a hole in my bench
top where the airhose emerges from the water
trap/compressor on the floor at my feet - I control
off/on switches and valves with my feet! How does that
all read? Of course, to adjust psi, then it's hands and
knees and a bit of a crank...
- Regards - hope this of some help....
- Roachie
- Posted By: RICK SHANK
- Date: Saturday, 12 August 2000, at 4:36 p.m.
- Roachie,
- I should have worded my message a little better! I meant
most compressors get hot after a while, not the water
trap. As it was explained to me, once an air compressor
begins to run hot the heated air needs distance to cool
down so any moisture present in the lines will condense
into droplets, otherwise it will be in a steamy state and
the trap cannot effectively remove all the moisture. I
have industrial type air compressors that run pretty warm
after a while and I have this type of trap hookup on all
of them. It might sound like overkill, but I do most of
my airbrushing in a frequently damp basement and I always
had water problems until I went to this system. Maybe
some of the high dollar compressors designed specifically
for airbrushing aren't quite the water pumps that mine
are. I hope this clears up any confusion I may have
caused, and all I can say is it works for me. LATER, RICK
- Posted By: Jeff McGuire <jmcguire@j-aircraft.com>
- Date: Wednesday, 9 August 2000, at 8:59 p.m.
- Steve,
- I have a Black and Decker Air station. It's okay but I
had to drill a hole in the brass connecting fitting
because it created too much pressure. It also is going to
make me deaf one of these days! I think pretty much any
small compressor you get would be okay, but I'd try for
one with some sort of pressure regulator.
- Jeff