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Editors note: A word of caution is appropriate. Many of the threads in the Nats Project message board tend to digress more than the threads on other message boards. The reader is advised to check the other threads in the Nats Project when looking for information about a specific topic such as paint schemes or specific aircraft types.

Hokoku 521 to 526

Posted By: David_Aiken <David_Aiken@hotmail.com>
Date: Tuesday, 31 October 2000, at 11:49 a.m.

Hokoku presentations are gifts from businesses, individuals, or by gatherings of monies on the street corner to purchase some military item for the Japanese Navy. There was a series of numbers for IJN tanks & armored cars; a series for gunboats, etc; a series for AA guns and other weapons; a series for aircraft. The Japanese Army had a similar program called Aikoku. The Manchurian Air Force had a presentation program called Gokoku.

Six D3A1 Type 99 dive bombers received Hokoku numbers 521 to 526 on 20 Sepember 1941 at Haneda Field. Tokyo. All six Hokoku were gifts from "all Japan", meaning monies gathered from street corner cups; temples; or other places where such could be gathered. Hokoku #521 was the the "#54th All Japan number" given.

At least [if not all six] AII-256 Hokoku #522 (#55 All Japan number)and EII-206 Hokoku 525 (#58 All Japan number) were at Pearl Harbor. One decal for a 48th scale AII-256 has an incorrect rendering of the (#55 All Japan number) as the number "55" should be in Kanji numbers.

An error in record keeping was made by the Hokoku presenters regarding the "All Japan" gifts. BETTY "379" Hokoku 1006 presented on 4 November 1942 was ALSO: (#55 All Japan number)!

Of interest, Zero AII-106 Hokoku 532 [Model Art #378 page 186] was presented on 28 Feb 1942, thus not present at Pearl Harbor.
Antenna masts
Posted By: Merv Brewer <mervin.brewer@slc.k12.ut.us>
Date: Wednesday, 1 November 2000, at 9:58 a.m.

Question: Did all Pearl Harbor Kate and Val's have radio antenna masts or were only command planes so equipped?

Re: Antenna masts

Posted By: Greg Springer <gspring@ix.netcom.com>
Date: Thursday, 2 November 2000, at 3:10 p.m.

In Response To: Antenna masts (Merv Brewer)

I would guess that all aircraft based on carriers would have to be radio-equipped in order to maintain the level of communication with the ship necessary to operate efficiently and safely. I feel that not all aircraft had RDF equipment. Aichi 99s with RDF gear have a streamlined fairing protruding below the fuselage about a foot. It contained the RDF loop antenna. Many pictures do not show this fairing but show the mount for it. I conclude that only certain aircraft in a formation were so equipped. Wonder what happeneed if the RDF plane got shot down over the target?

800 Kg bomb solution?

Posted By: Phil <Phil_Graf@baylor.edu>
Date: Tuesday, 7 November 2000, at 11:38 a.m.

Guys, I might have found a possible solution for the lack of 1/72 800 kg bombs used by some of the Kates. In addition to the multitudes of Kate kits I have, I also have the Fujimi 1/48 Val. I was planning on replacing this kit's 500 kg bomb with the one from the Nichimo Kate kit anyways, but noticed when looking at it that it might could pass for a 1/72 800 kg bomb. The scale proportion is just about right, and the fin shape is closer. It seems that the defects that make it look odd in 1/48 (too narrow in the body and fins) seem to make it fit in 1/72. Is there anyone else who can back this up?

Re: 800 Kg bomb solution?

Posted By: Grant Goodale <grant.goodale@sympatico.ca>
Date: Wednesday, 8 November 2000, at 4:58 p.m.

In Response To: 800 Kg bomb solution? (Phil)

I have just finished the Fujimi 1/48 Val and I agree with a past post on this site that the bomb looks like it spent too much time on SlimFast! There is a very clear photo of a Hiryu Kate with an 800 kg bomb on page 158 of the new Model Art PH book (#573) and the bomb looks shorter and fatter.


Posted By: Phil <Phil_Graf@baylor.edu>
Date: Wednesday, 8 November 2000, at 5:03 p.m.

In Response To: Re: 800 Kg bomb solution? (Grant Goodale)

I don't have that book, but I was comparing it to a Kate on p. 13 of "The Way it Was: Pearl Harbor, the Original Photographs" by Goldstein, et. al. On second glance, I recognized the Kate as being AI-308, which I'm sure carried a torpedo at PH, so this photo is most likely from some other mission. I was also comparing it to the Nichimo 800 kg weapon! I wish I had the resources some of you guys have...

Re: 800 Kg bomb solution?

Posted By: Mervin Brewer <mervin.brewer@slc.k12.ut.us>
Date: Monday, 27 November 2000, at 10:04 a.m.

In Response To: Re: 800 Kg bomb solution? (Grant Goodale)

I am currently working on a 800kg armor piercing bomb in 1/48 scale for my Kates. I am using some pictures and drawings reduced to scale. Once finished an associate of mine is going to make a resin cast. If all goes well by the first of the year we will also make some in 1/72. This associate of mine turned a great replica of the torpedo on his lathe! I will keep you guys posted. If it turns out good I will send a scan of them.

Re: 800 Kg bomb solution?

Posted By: Tim Hortman <thortman@epix.net>
Date: Monday, 27 November 2000, at 12:08 p.m.

In Response To: Re: 800 Kg bomb solution? (Mervin Brewer)

I know that there are a few of us who would like to get their hands on something like this.

Please do keep us updated!

Re: MA PH Special-Good News and Bad News

Posted By: Grant Goodale <grant.goodale@sympatico.ca>
Date: Monday, 20 November 2000, at 9:13 a.m.

In Response To: MA PH Special-Good News and Bad News (Bill Sanborn)

I have the new MA PH book and I have received some information about the old versus new editions.

According to Tennessee:

"The new edition is missing few colour profiles, and they are the Jakes, Emilies that bombed Pearl Harbor in 1942, and prewar carrier borne aircraft. Also some colour profiles of the aircraft that attacked PH on Dec.7 are missing."

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