Highlighting over metalizer?
Posted By: Rob Graham <rgraham111@aol.com>
Date: Sunday, 8 November 1998, at 4:39 p.m.
Howdy, all:
I am determined to finish my 1/48 FM A5M1, but haven't a clue on how to highlight details on the exterior since I used Metalizer on it. I sometimes feel very behind the times when I do this type of thing! Anyway, I just want to make the more prominent details stand out, such as the control surfaces, firewall vent, etc. I do not intend to weather it hardly at all. Do pastels work best with a light coat of Future to seal it? What will I do, what WILL I do??
--Rob Graham
Re: Highlighting over metalizer?
Posted By: François P. WEILL <frpawe@wanadoo.fr>
Date: Sunday, 8 November 1998, at 5:21 p.m.
In Response To: Highlighting over metalizer? (Rob Graham)
Hi Rob,
The first thing I'll do would be not ot paint the a.c. or treat it in a unified metallic color. Those planes were mainly NMF and different shades of metallic pannels are evident on B&W pics. The control surfaces were fabric covered and (but those painted in security color red)silver doped.
Then I'll apply all the usual exhaust, fuel, oil stains and for a shore based plane the mud projections. Using the pastel chalks ?? Why not, it is a sure way not to overdo weathering...
Re: Highlighting over metalizer?
Posted By: Dan Salamone <dano@rust.net>
Date: Sunday, 8 November 1998, at 10:08 p.m.
In Response To: Highlighting over metalizer? (Rob Graham)
When you use chalks remember that any clear coat over the chalks will diminish the chalks to varying degrees. You may have to "overdo" it to get the look you want....
An idea for next time, try using Floquil silver, you can tint this with blue or black to get different shades, and also buff the paint with either a cloth or something like SNJ powder. For a "clean" NMF a/c I would use the SNJ paint with the buffing powder, and this way not have to worry about messing up the finish with chalks, oils, etc....
If you have any questions I can elaborate- let me know. Take care,
Re: Highlighting over metalizer?
Posted By: Rob Graham <rgraham111@aol.com>
Date: Monday, 9 November 1998, at 8:50 a.m.
In Response To: Re: Highlighting over metalizer? (François P. WEILL)
Thanks for the input. I've already painted the darn thing and applied the decals, etc, I just need to do the finishing touches. I wanted to allow the lacquer to cure completely, but I'm afraid it may start aging :^) if I don't finish it this decade.
Mainly, I just want to get the panel lines to stand out, but the lacquer is a bit on the fragile side. After applying the pastels, or whatever, would Future work OK, or does the lacquer outgas long enough that Future would craze and lift? Any other ideas?
Re: Highlighting over metalizer?
Posted By: Rob Graham <rgraham111@aol.com>
Date: Monday, 9 November 1998, at 8:55 a.m.
In Response To: Re: Highlighting over metalizer? (Dan Salamone)
Thanks for the ideas. Every model is an experiment for me. I've never tried SNJ products, as I have never seen them. Will ask...
Isn't Floquil's line going to be discontinued? Shoot, I guess I have a lot of questions on that, but don't know where to begin... Do you have an SNJ 101 course I can take :^)???
Best wishes,
Re: Highlighting over metalizer?
Posted By: Dan Salamone <dano@rust.net>
Date: Monday, 9 November 1998, at 10:27 a.m.
In Response To: Re: Highlighting over metalizer? (Rob Graham)
I have included the link to SNJ's website. It is very easy to use, and versatile in the respect that you can tint the paint to begin with as well as using the polishing powder. I have not used oils on it though, as if you use a clear coat after painting this will diminish the metallic sheen. I would also be leery of using the oils directly on top of the SNJ as well.
I have heard that Testors will retain any Floquil colors not already included in the Model Master line, and will market these Floquil colors in the MM line so with muck there will be no loss of colors. I have also read that the new Testors paints are to the same formula as Floquil, so you can also use the glaze and other Floquil products with them.
Hope this helps,

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