- Canopy Help
- Canopy help
- Posted By: Bill Steinberg <BSTEINBE@GENRE.COM>
- Date: Wednesday, 2 June 1999, at 8:29 a.m.
- I did a shoddy job on painting a canopy and wished to remove
paint on the places it shouldn't be. I used a toothpick to remove the dry
paint, which worked pretty well. Now the "clear" portion of the
canopy is pretty scraped up. Is there a way to remedy this? I heard toothpaste
works, but how? Any other ideas, aside from being more careful the next time?
- Cheers,
- Bill Steinberg
- Re: Canopy help
- Posted By: Tom Hall <hall41@ix.netcom.com>
- Date: Wednesday, 2 June 1999, at 9:07 a.m.
- In Response To: Canopy help (Bill Steinberg)
- Dear Mr. Steinberg,
- Yes, there is help for a scratched canopy, provided the
problem is really scratches and not etching or fogging by the paint. You did
not mention the kinds of paint and solvent, so let's hope all you have is
- I've tried the toothpaste approach, but it always seems to
take a lot of buffing, because the toothpaste isn't abrasive enough to be a
good starting point for scratches.
- There are plastic polish sets. They tend to be more popular
among car modelers. There are also some very fine grit sandpapers and abrasive
wheels. The latter tend to be used by jewelers. Depending on the size of the
area, you might try one of these approaches, but be aware that you will
probably lose some canopy frame in the buffing.
- Re: Canopy help
- Posted By: Ronnie Murray <ronnie.murray@ncmail.net>
- Date: Wednesday, 2 June 1999, at 10:17 a.m.
- In Response To: Canopy help (Bill Steinberg)
- I'd say dip the whole thing in "future" floor
polish. It will definitely take care of
the scratches and will seal the paint with a glossy finish. You could then take
a small brush and overcoat with a flat finish -- overcoat the painted canopy
parts with a flat or semi-gloss finish...not the glass panes of course.
- Re: Canopy help
- Posted By: Bill Sanborn <bsanborn@psedd.com>
- Date: Wednesday, 2 June 1999, at 3:26 p.m.
- In Response To: Re: Canopy help (Ronnie Murray)
- I'm with Ronnie on this one, if the problem is truly light
scratches. Remove all of the old paint residue. Dip (don't brush) the canopy in
Future and set it aside in a dust free environment to dry. Then paint as
normal. If you don't like the Future coat, strip it off with ammonia. I treat
all my canopies this way before I paint them. It seems to make them clearer and
easier to work with.
- Bill
- Let us know what you end up doing and how it works.
- Re: Canopy help
- Posted By: Dan Salamone <dano@rust.net>
- Date: Wednesday, 2 June 1999, at 3:36 p.m.
- In Response To: Canopy help (Bill Steinberg)
- Hi Bill,
- I agree with what the other guys say, provided that the
damage is not extensive. If it is, you may be better off making a new canopy
using the heat form method, but even here it would help to get the first canopy
as clear as possible before using it as a master since scratches will transfer
over to any copy using this method. If you think you may need to go this route,
ask and I can elaborate on it, but hopefully the Future will solve the problem
for you. Take it easy,
- Dan
- Re: Canopy help
- Posted By: Rob Graham <rgraham111@aol.com>
- Date: Wednesday, 2 June 1999, at 10:04 p.m.
- In Response To: Canopy help (Bill Steinberg)
- Bill:
- If you were to try toothpaste, I recommend Pearl Drops tooth
polish. It's a little coarser. I had a CD that had a scratch in it, but I could
salvage it with Pearl Drops. The scratch was still visible, but the edge was
gone, and the CD worked.
- I've had TERRIFFIC luck using silver polish. I sand the
plastic with fine sandpaper, then polish it until it's perfect. It can be done.
But if you wish to maintain the paint, "clearly" this can't be done
(no pun intended). I have so far only done this on opaque plastic, but it works
very well.
- Just some ideas from a guy who does things the hard way. I
like the sound of Ronny's approach better!
- Take care,
- --Rob
- Re: Canopy help
- Posted By: Ronnie Murray <ronnie.murray@ncmail.net>
- Date: Monday, 7 June 1999, at 11:01 a.m.
- In Response To: Re: Canopy help (Dan Salamone)
- Hey Dan,
- I just took a look at your Hasegawa Jack photos on the
Flightdeck website gallery. I'm really impressed! The weathering you did makes
the look as far as I'm concerned. I've done the Tamiya jack and really enjoyed
the kit. I weathered mine fairly heavy but not with the same effect as yours.
Did you airbrush the panel lines with a dark stain? What was the green you used
for the overall finish? What did you use as the metal finish? It's very
convincing as a weathered metal. Mine looks a bit too shiny. Great work, I'd
love to see more.
- Re: 1/72nd
A6M canopy frame painting
- Posted By: Grant Goodale <grant.goodale@sympatico.ca>
Date: Thursday, 29 March 2001, at 7:54 a.m.
- Bill -
- I generally give it a good coat
of Future and then user Bare Metal Foil and a branch new number 11 blade.
Burnish the foil down real tight on the canopy and the frame lines are really
obvious. This really helps a klutz like me when cutting away the foil.
- When you are finished painting,
simply remove the foil with a toothpick and then wipe away any residue with a
cotton swab dipped in one of those citrus cleaners like Goof Off or Goo Gone.
- Grant
- Vac Canopies
- Posted By: Deniz Karacay <denizkaracay@yahoo.com>
Date: Sunday, 15 April 2001, at 2:22 p.m.
- Can somebody advise on how to
cut and paste vac canopies?
- Re:
Vac Canopies
- Posted By: Rob brown <rbrown1553@earthlink.net>
Date: Sunday, 15 April 2001, at 7:14 p.m.
- In Response To: Vac Canopies
(Deniz Karacay)
- Trim the canopy from its backing
sheet leaving 1/16 inch of plastic. 2.Fill with plaster of Paris and let dry.
3.Sand the part on a flat surface until the 1/16-inch of "trim" falls
away. For complex shapes sanding sticks are very handy. If the part can
maintain its rigidity during sanding you can dispense with the plaster. This
method is foolproof and will give you excellent results every time.
- Rob
- Re:
Masking the
- Posted By: Roachie <roachdas@dingoblue.net.au>
Date: Tuesday, 3 July 2001, at 5:26 a.m.
- In Response To: Masking the
Canopy (Tony Feredo)
- In this day and age where the
canopy frames are at such a degree as being like channels with raised edges,
why not hand paint?
- Here's how I go about it - (the
channels formed by the canopy framing are just that - channels for paint to be
flowed into):
- First - try and find an
appropriate tool such as a toothpick or something inserted into the antenna
post hole; or a clothes peg clipped onto a corner/edge of the glass-piece to minimize
handling the clear part):
- NOTE: for the application of
Acrylics only!
- I select the interior frame
colour (Aotake, Black, Mitsubishi Interior Green and so on) - with a number
20/0 brush and a quite-thinned colour, commence flowing the paint. The
capillary action of the thin paint runs along the channels and at the edges of
the channels the colour becomes darker and easier to see because you will need
to apply one, two or perhaps three runs using this method. It isn't as hard as
it sounds, so if you have an old A6M or Ki48 canopy, give it a try.
- Don't be concerned if you go
outside and over onto a glass panel although you should try to keep this to a
minimum - leave it and rectify later (see below).
- After the interior colour has
gone on, I wait a certain amount of time and then repeat the above steps using
the EXTERIOR colour/s, but this time with less thinned paint because the tracks
or channels are well laid out for you to see due to the first colour. Again,
don't worry if you go over onto a clear panel.
- To remove paint from clear
panels, take a ROUND toothpick, cut one end at a bevel - soak the bevelled end
in water for a couple of minutes to soften the wood - and carefully run the
toothpick along the outside of the frame where paint has flowed over and gently
scrape away excess. Gloss, semigloss and Matt Varnishes can then be placed over
the finished exterior coat.
- As I said, once you try this you
may find it easier and less time-consuming than masking - this is a method I
use on 95% of the canopies I do.
- For enamels, you need to be
aware that any thinner you use MAY craze the clear panels if you go over,
though I have not found this to be a noticeable problem.
- Appreciate any feedback for new
- Roachie