General Modeling Info
scale effect
Winged Triangle decals
scale effect
Posted By: Andrew Monroe <>
Date: Monday, 30 September 2002, at 3:09 p.m.
How many drops of white should I add to a paint mixture in order to get a 1/72nd scale effect.
Re: scale effect
Posted By: Grant Goodale <>
Date: Monday, 30 September 2002, at 3:30 p.m.
In Response To: scale effect (Andrew Monroe)
I good guess would be to add about 30% white.
Re: scale effect
Posted By: Don Nelson <>
Date: Tuesday, 1 October 2002, at 2:02 p.m.
In Response To: Re: scale effect (Grant Goodale)
I agree. Some experts would recommend even a slightly greater proportion of white. The "conventional wisdom" is to take the denominator of the scale, and cut it in half. So half of 72 would be 36. So, take 36% of whatever amount you have of the pure paint, and add that much white to it.
To me, 36% is pretty close to 33%, so I would take three parts of the pure paint, and add one part white (one is 33% of four).
Re: scale effect
Posted By: Andrew Monroe <>
Date: Wednesday, 2 October 2002, at 10:17 a.m.
In Response To: Re: scale effect (Don Nelson)
This may be dumb question, but should you scale effect bare metal finishes?
Re: scale effect
Posted By: Don Nelson <>
Date: Wednesday, 2 October 2002, at 11:56 a.m.
In Response To: Re: scale effect (Andrew Monroe)
There's never a dumb question if the intent for knowledge is sincere (grin).
This is a good question really, and one I think I will try to get an answer for - not so much should one scale effect natural metal finishes, but rather, HOW one does so.
Natural metal finishes are one of the biggest bugaboos in modeling for a number of reasons, not the least of which is that it is hard to build a kit representing that kind of finish that doesn't come off looking like basically a toy that's been painted silver - even if satin or matte finished paints are used.
This would be a great question to pose to folks like Shepard Paine or Francois Verlinden or to a magazine like Fine Scale Modeler.
Winged Triangle decals
Posted By: Richard Rycroft <>
Date: Friday, 16 August 2002, at 10:21 a.m.
As I write, an order for these decals is coming from fantasyprintshop in England. The set also includes the Green surrender crosses. The price was 2.65BP per set. Maybe now I can give some thought to building captured allied aircraft.
Thought I'd pass along the info that these decals are available.
Re: Winged Triangle decals
Posted By: Mark Haselden <>
Date: Friday, 16 August 2002, at 12:44 p.m.
In Response To: Winged Triangle decals (Richard Rycroft)
In what scale are they printed? Would you please let us all know how good they are once you have sight of them? I'd be very interested in a 1/48 scale set.
Re: Winged Triangle decals
Posted By: Richard Rycroft <>
Date: Friday, 16 August 2002, at 12:58 p.m.
In Response To: Re: Winged Triangle decals (Mark Haselden)
I found their email to consist of only one or two words. Therefore, I can't tell you the scale nor do I know the shipping method or cost. I've got my fingers crossed. I sent three emails to them, but never got even one answer to any question I raised. Either they are very busy or are the strong silent type.
Re: Winged Triangle decals *PIC*
Posted By: Richard Rycroft <>
Date: Monday, 19 August 2002, at 3:22 p.m.
In Response To: Re: Winged Triangle decals (Mark Haselden)
The decals arrived today. God but they are beautiful. No scale is marked but I find that they are equal to both 1/72 and 1/48 for both fighters and bombers. Ditto for the green crosses.
They are decal set #FP 855
They cost around 2.65 BP (around $4.40 US)
Editors note: Picture at
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