64th Hiko Sentai 2nd Chutai, Burma, early 1943
Ki-43 I 64th Sentai, Burma, late 1942
By the winter of 1942 some 64th Sentai Model Iıs were looking very tatty
indeed. The paintwork on this example has been worn away by constant
exposure and rubbing down which together with spot repairs gives the appearance
almost of a mottle. It is known that the JAAF in Burma used large stocks
of captured paint so it is difficult to be certain about the actual
colours used. The spinner of this Hayabusa is light coloured, in contrast
to the Sentai arrow and I have shown it as yellow, although the reason for this
apparent anomaly is unknown - it may have something to do with the leading edge
ID strips introduced about this time and which, on this aircraft, are not
painted up to the wing roots. Note what appear to be miniature hinomaru on
the wheel hubs!
Reference: photograph on page 115 of Model Art 395, recollections of Yoshito
Yasuda, Model Art 329
Ki-43 II Ko 64th Hiko Sentai 2nd Chutai, Burma, early 1943
This aircraft is an early model II Ko, an anonymous veteran workhorse of
the 2nd Chutai, depicted in a very heavily faded and worn scheme of
green-brown with signs of partial repainting. Of note are the washed out
fuselage hinomaru and re-painted tail section with the 2nd Chutai arrow awaiting
itıs white outline. In the original photograph this aircraft appears to
be attracting considerable attention and may have emerged from a major
overhaul, repairs or re-build.
Reference: photograph on page 117 of Model Art 395.