The Derek Brown
- This is the Imai 1/144 scale A6M5 Zero,
- and includes a scratch built interior,
engine, landing gear, and flaps
- - just for fun.
Hasegawa 1/200 Scale All Nippon
Airways 737-200, built out of the box
AMS - check out the cockpit
on the 1/700 scale Val.
- This is the old L/S version of the 1/72
scale Dinah. This model was in Fine Scale
- Modeler some time back. Each engine cylinder
is scratch built over 500 parts in each engine,
- with a full cockpit added for fun.
- This kit is the old 1/72 scale Mania
kit of the Nakajima B5N2 Kate,
- which holds up very well by today's
standards. I added a scratch
- built engine and for fun engineered folding
wings. SNJ paint was used, with
- separate panels masked and sprayed for that
"individual panel" look.
- This is the Fine Molds 1/72 scale Type 90
Japanese biplane,
- a very nice kit (if you can find it these
days). The engine and interior are scratch built.
- This is the early Hasegawa (raised
rivets) kit of the A6M2 in 1/72 scale.
- The engine, interior and flaps were scratch
built, and the panel lines scribed.
- The markings are of Saburo Sakai's Zero that
he flew from Rabaul.
Scratchbuilt Bikes
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