Sources for Info on Captured Aircraft

Airpower January 1975.  Vol. 5 No. 1
Falcons of Freeman Field
Testing Japan's Eleventh Hour Entrants
by Jack Dean

Excellent (rather long) Article with a bunch of great photos!


Wings, June 1982. Volume 12 No. 3
Made in Japan, Tested in America
By Robert Mikesh

Excellent long article with many great photos.  Mainly about the TAIC and it's involvement in the Pacific.

Airpower July 1982 Vol. 12 No. 4
Made in Japan, Tested in America Part II
By Robert Mikesh
Second in the 1982 series about the testing of captured aircraft.  Again, an excellent article and many terrific photos of both the aircraft and the recovery of aircraft.

Airpower July 1994  Volume 24  No. 4

Behind Enemy Lines by Michael J. Freeman. 

A very good article about the TAIU-SWPA.  A very inside look at the recovery and testing of enemy aircraft in the Pacific.

War Prizes
By Phil Butler
Copyright 1994 by P.H. Butler
Pulbished by Specialty Press Publishers
ISBN 0-904597-86-5
This is the bible for captured aircraft in foreign markings.  This book is no longer published, but find one for your collection.  You will not be disappointed
Koga's Zero
by Jim Rearden
Copyright 1995 by Jim Rearden
ISBN 0-929521-56-0

Excellent book on all aspects of the Koga Zero.  There are a bunch of photos and lots of details that are brought out in this book.  If you have an interest in the Koga Zero, this is a great book for $13.

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