- Pearl Harbor Zero
& Other Photos
- All profiles by Don Marsh
- Click Photos to Enlarge
- Hirano JPEGs: PO1 HIRANO, Takashi (KIA)
A6M2 model 21 s/n 5289 from CV
- AKAGI [AI-154], Pearl Harbor, 7 December
1941 (HICKEY/PEDERSON Collection).

- Todd Pederson Collection of Original Hickam
- Photo Laboratory Records of the
Pearl Harbor Attack. (Posted
Aft Fuselage w/ floatation device |
- Nishikaichi/Niihau JPEGs: PO1 NISHIKAICHI,
Shigenori (suicide after
- capture) A6M2 model 21 s/n (unknown) CV
HIRYU [B11-120], Niihau T.H.,
- December 1941 (LANSDALE Collection)

- Iida JPEGs: Lt IIDA, Fusata (crash dived)
A6M2 model 21 s/n 3277 CV
- SORYU [B1-151(?)], Kaneohe Bay, Oahu, 7
December 1941

2 photos of Val D3A Kaga Val dive brake
assembly; DANN Family Collection
as pictured in NARA photo 80-G-32441).

1 photo of B5N Hospital Kate fragment ;

An artifact from the left side of the vertical stabilizer of
Iida's A6M2 showing bottom portion of Soryu's BI code. Noe the ink lines
used to aid the painting of the code. this relic is owned by National
Museum of the Pacific War, P.O. Box 777, Fredrickburg, Texas 78624 and the photo
was taken and caption written by Greg

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