Ki-100 Gallery



Type /  Description

Japanese Name


 US Code Name

Kawasaki Ki-100 5 / Fighter      

Click on the smaller image to see the full scale picture.     

1/48 Otaki Ki-100 by Tom Norrbohm

1/72 Fine Molds Ki-100. Peter Fearis... (2/22/00)

1/48 Arii/Otaki Ki-100. Pierpaolo Maglio. (2/22/00)

Ki-100-Ia Modified 1/72 Revell kit (Ki-61). Model was modified with fuselage from Ki-100 Aoshima kit by George Crozier 

This is the Nichimo Radial engine Ki-100 kit, totally re-scribed, and lots of scratched extras inside the cockpit, and wheel wells. Painted with Aero Master War Birds paints by Bill Arnold. (13/11/00) 

Major Yohei Hinoki's Akeon Fighter school Ki-100-I-Otsu.

I don't recall seeing a Ki-100 in this scheme on your website so I figured I'd submit mine.
 I built this model on the basis of Hasegawa's kit and the cover art for Osprey's Aircraft of the Aces #13. The white trim was airbrushed first and then narrowly masked to apply blu over them. I used Floquil Enamel colors as follows: 

Interior surfaces: Floquil RLM 02 Grau mixed 10:1 with Desert Sand.
Upper Camoflage: RLM79 Braunviolet mixed 5:1 with RAF Dark Green to reduce the brown.
Blue: Prussian Cavalry Blue mixed 5:1 with Light Blue
Yellow: RLM 04 Gelb yellow mixed 5:1 with insignia white to reduce the orange hue.
Underside: Testors Metallizer non-buffing Aluminum.
Very little weathering was applied as I wanted this one to look 
factory-fresh, but I may go back an weather it a bit more.
Thanks, Erik Whipple (13 Feb 01)


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